– Minimum 1 year working experience
– Excellent interpersonal skills
– Knowledge of modern marketing techniques
– Ability to work well under pressure
Showing all 6 results
6 Days 4 Nights Charming Seoul 魅力首尔
7 Days 5 Nights Explore Seoul + Busan + Gangwon 探索首尔+釜山+江原道
8 Days 6 Nights Busan + Seoul Twin City Fun 欢乐游双城 (釜山+首尔)
8 Days 6 Nights Extraordinary Korea + Jeju Island 探索韩国+济州岛之旅
8 Days 6 Nights Korea Winter Experience 韩国冬季体验
8 Days 6 Nights Winter Busan + Seoul Twin City Fun 冬季欢乐游双城 (釜山+首尔)