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Fraud Alert.

We want to caution the public and our clients about a scam falsely claiming affiliation with Golden Deluxe Travel, promoting travel products and conducting surveys with a fake recruitment or incentive. Golden Deluxe Travel and its staff do not engage in such solicitations. We urge caution when sharing personal information with unverified sources. Legal action will be taken against those involved in fraudulent schemes using the Golden Deluxe Travel brand or committing identity theft. For accurate information, please rely on our official website and social media channels.

我们提醒公众和我们的客户,关于一起虚假宣称与Golden Deluxe Travel有关的骗局,宣传旅行产品并通过虚假的招聘或奖励进行调查。Golden Deluxe Travel及其员工不参与此类招揽。在与未经验证的来源分享个人信息时,请谨慎行事。对于使用Golden Deluxe Travel品牌进行欺诈性计划或实施身份盗窃的个人,我们将采取法律行动。获取准确信息,请关注我们的官方网站和社交媒体渠道。

Kindly contact us at 03 – 9779 5509 or 03 – 22144 6888 for our direct line. Thank you.